If you're looking for an edge in your next game of Scrabble, consider using words that end with ing. These words are often worth more points than other words of the same length, and they can be a real thorn in your opponent's side. In this post, we'll take a look at some of the best ING words to use in your next game. So put on your thinking cap and get ready to dominate your opponents!
List of words ending with ING
9 Letter Words
Zabajone | Zabtiehs | Zacatons | Zaddikim | Zaibatsu |
Zaitechs | Zakouska | Zakouski | Zamarras | Zamarros |
Zambomba | Zambucks | Zamindar | Zamouses | Zampogna |
Zamzawed | Zanellas | Zaniness | Zanjeros | Zanyisms |
Zapateos | Zappiest | Zaptiahs | Zaptiehs | Zaratite |
Zareebas | Zarnichs | Zarzuela | Zastruga | Zastrugi |
Zealants | Zealless | Zealotry | Zebranos | Zebrinas |
Zebrines | Zebrinny | Zebrulas | Zebrules | Zecchine |
Zecchini | Zecchino | Zecchins | Zelators | Zelatrix |
Zelkovas | Zemindar | Zemstvos | Zenaidas | Zenithal |
Zeolites | Zeolitic | Zeppelin | Zeppoles | Zerumbet |
Zestiest | Zestless | Zetetics | Zeuxites | Zibeline |
Zigankas | Ziggurat | Zigzaggy | Zikkurat | Zikurats |
Zillions | Zimoccas | Zincates | Zinciest | Zincites |
Zinckier | Zinckify | Zincking | Zincodes | Zindabad |
Zingiber | Zingiest | Zinkiest | Zippered | Zippiest |
Zircaloy | Zirconia | Zirconic | Zitherns | Zizanias |
Zizyphus | Zizzling | Zoccolos | Zodiacal | Zoetrope |
Zoiatria | Zoisites | Zombiism | Zomboruk | Zonation |
Zoneless | Zonetime | Zonulets | Zooblast | Zoochore |
Zoochory | Zoocytia | Zooecium | Zoogenic | Zoogleae |
Zoogleal | Zoogleas | Zoogloea | Zoograft | Zoolater |
Zoolatry | Zoolites | Zooliths | Zoolitic | Zoologic |
Zoomancy | Zoomania | Zoometry | Zoomorph | Zoonites |
Zoonitic | Zoonomia | Zoonomic | Zoonoses | Zoonosis |
Zoonotic | Zoopathy | Zooperal | Zoophagy | Zoophile |
Zoophily | Zoophobe | Zoophori | Zoophyte | Zooscopy |
Zoosperm | Zoospore | Zoothome | Zootiest | Zootomic |
Zootoxic | Zootoxin | Zootrope | Zootypes | Zootypic |
Zopilote | Zorbings | Zorgites | Zorillas | Zorilles |
Zorillos | Zucchini | Zuchetta | Zuchetto | Zugzwang |
Zwieback | Zygaenid | Zygantra | Zygodont | Zygomata |
Zygosity | Zygotene | Zylonite | Zymogene | Zymogens |
Zymogram | Zymology | Zymosans | Zymotics | Zyzzyvas |
8 Letter Words
Zabajone | Zabtiehs | Zacatons | Zaddikim | Zaibatsu |
Zaitechs | Zakouska | Zakouski | Zamarras | Zamarros |
Zambomba | Zambucks | Zamindar | Zamouses | Zampogna |
Zamzawed | Zanellas | Zaniness | Zanjeros | Zanyisms |
Zapateos | Zappiest | Zaptiahs | Zaptiehs | Zaratite |
Zareebas | Zarnichs | Zarzuela | Zastruga | Zastrugi |
Zealants | Zealless | Zealotry | Zebranos | Zebrinas |
Zebrines | Zebrinny | Zebrulas | Zebrules | Zecchine |
Zecchini | Zecchino | Zecchins | Zelators | Zelatrix |
Zelkovas | Zemindar | Zemstvos | Zenaidas | Zenithal |
Zeolites | Zeolitic | Zeppelin | Zeppoles | Zerumbet |
Zestiest | Zestless | Zetetics | Zeuxites | Zibeline |
Zigankas | Ziggurat | Zigzaggy | Zikkurat | Zikurats |
Zillions | Zimoccas | Zincates | Zinciest | Zincites |
Zinckier | Zinckify | Zincking | Zincodes | Zindabad |
Zingiber | Zingiest | Zinkiest | Zippered | Zippiest |
Zircaloy | Zirconia | Zirconic | Zitherns | Zizanias |
Zizyphus | Zizzling | Zoccolos | Zodiacal | Zoetrope |
Zoiatria | Zoisites | Zombiism | Zomboruk | Zonation |
Zoneless | Zonetime | Zonulets | Zooblast | Zoochore |
Zoochory | Zoocytia | Zooecium | Zoogenic | Zoogleae |
Zoogleal | Zoogleas | Zoogloea | Zoograft | Zoolater |
Zoolatry | Zoolites | Zooliths | Zoolitic | Zoologic |
Zoomancy | Zoomania | Zoometry | Zoomorph | Zoonites |
Zoonitic | Zoonomia | Zoonomic | Zoonoses | Zoonosis |
Zoonotic | Zoopathy | Zooperal | Zoophagy | Zoophile |
Zoophily | Zoophobe | Zoophori | Zoophyte | Zooscopy |
Zoosperm | Zoospore | Zoothome | Zootiest | Zootomic |
Zootoxic | Zootoxin | Zootrope | Zootypes | Zootypic |
Zopilote | Zorbings | Zorgites | Zorillas | Zorilles |
Zorillos | Zucchini | Zuchetta | Zuchetto | Zugzwang |
Zwieback | Zygaenid | Zygantra | Zygodont | Zygomata |
Zygosity | Zygotene | Zylonite | Zymogene | Zymogens |
Zymogram | Zymology | Zymosans | Zymotics | Zyzzyvas |
7 Letter Words
Zabajone | Zabtiehs | Zacatons | Zaddikim | Zaibatsu |
Zaitechs | Zakouska | Zakouski | Zamarras | Zamarros |
Zambomba | Zambucks | Zamindar | Zamouses | Zampogna |
Zamzawed | Zanellas | Zaniness | Zanjeros | Zanyisms |
Zapateos | Zappiest | Zaptiahs | Zaptiehs | Zaratite |
Zareebas | Zarnichs | Zarzuela | Zastruga | Zastrugi |
Zealants | Zealless | Zealotry | Zebranos | Zebrinas |
Zebrines | Zebrinny | Zebrulas | Zebrules | Zecchine |
Zecchini | Zecchino | Zecchins | Zelators | Zelatrix |
Zelkovas | Zemindar | Zemstvos | Zenaidas | Zenithal |
Zeolites | Zeolitic | Zeppelin | Zeppoles | Zerumbet |
Zestiest | Zestless | Zetetics | Zeuxites | Zibeline |
Zigankas | Ziggurat | Zigzaggy | Zikkurat | Zikurats |
Zillions | Zimoccas | Zincates | Zinciest | Zincites |
Zinckier | Zinckify | Zincking | Zincodes | Zindabad |
Zingiber | Zingiest | Zinkiest | Zippered | Zippiest |
Zircaloy | Zirconia | Zirconic | Zitherns | Zizanias |
Zizyphus | Zizzling | Zoccolos | Zodiacal | Zoetrope |
Zoiatria | Zoisites | Zombiism | Zomboruk | Zonation |
Zoneless | Zonetime | Zonulets | Zooblast | Zoochore |
Zoochory | Zoocytia | Zooecium | Zoogenic | Zoogleae |
Zoogleal | Zoogleas | Zoogloea | Zoograft | Zoolater |
Zoolatry | Zoolites | Zooliths | Zoolitic | Zoologic |
Zoomancy | Zoomania | Zoometry | Zoomorph | Zoonites |
Zoonitic | Zoonomia | Zoonomic | Zoonoses | Zoonosis |
Zoonotic | Zoopathy | Zooperal | Zoophagy | Zoophile |
Zoophily | Zoophobe | Zoophori | Zoophyte | Zooscopy |
Zoosperm | Zoospore | Zoothome | Zootiest | Zootomic |
Zootoxic | Zootoxin | Zootrope | Zootypes | Zootypic |
Zopilote | Zorbings | Zorgites | Zorillas | Zorilles |
Zorillos | Zucchini | Zuchetta | Zuchetto | Zugzwang |
Zwieback | Zygaenid | Zygantra | Zygodont | Zygomata |
Zygosity | Zygotene | Zylonite | Zymogene | Zymogens |
Zymogram | Zymology | Zymosans | Zymotics | Zyzzyvas |
6 Letter Words
Zabajone | Zabtiehs | Zacatons | Zaddikim | Zaibatsu |
Zaitechs | Zakouska | Zakouski | Zamarras | Zamarros |
Zambomba | Zambucks | Zamindar | Zamouses | Zampogna |
Zamzawed | Zanellas | Zaniness | Zanjeros | Zanyisms |
Zapateos | Zappiest | Zaptiahs | Zaptiehs | Zaratite |
Zareebas | Zarnichs | Zarzuela | Zastruga | Zastrugi |
Zealants | Zealless | Zealotry | Zebranos | Zebrinas |
Zebrines | Zebrinny | Zebrulas | Zebrules | Zecchine |
Zecchini | Zecchino | Zecchins | Zelators | Zelatrix |
Zelkovas | Zemindar | Zemstvos | Zenaidas | Zenithal |
Zeolites | Zeolitic | Zeppelin | Zeppoles | Zerumbet |
Zestiest | Zestless | Zetetics | Zeuxites | Zibeline |
Zigankas | Ziggurat | Zigzaggy | Zikkurat | Zikurats |
Zillions | Zimoccas | Zincates | Zinciest | Zincites |
Zinckier | Zinckify | Zincking | Zincodes | Zindabad |
Zingiber | Zingiest | Zinkiest | Zippered | Zippiest |
Zircaloy | Zirconia | Zirconic | Zitherns | Zizanias |
Zizyphus | Zizzling | Zoccolos | Zodiacal | Zoetrope |
Zoiatria | Zoisites | Zombiism | Zomboruk | Zonation |
Zoneless | Zonetime | Zonulets | Zooblast | Zoochore |
Zoochory | Zoocytia | Zooecium | Zoogenic | Zoogleae |
Zoogleal | Zoogleas | Zoogloea | Zoograft | Zoolater |
Zoolatry | Zoolites | Zooliths | Zoolitic | Zoologic |
Zoomancy | Zoomania | Zoometry | Zoomorph | Zoonites |
Zoonitic | Zoonomia | Zoonomic | Zoonoses | Zoonosis |
Zoonotic | Zoopathy | Zooperal | Zoophagy | Zoophile |
Zoophily | Zoophobe | Zoophori | Zoophyte | Zooscopy |
Zoosperm | Zoospore | Zoothome | Zootiest | Zootomic |
Zootoxic | Zootoxin | Zootrope | Zootypes | Zootypic |
Zopilote | Zorbings | Zorgites | Zorillas | Zorilles |
Zorillos | Zucchini | Zuchetta | Zuchetto | Zugzwang |
Zwieback | Zygaenid | Zygantra | Zygodont | Zygomata |
Zygosity | Zygotene | Zylonite | Zymogene | Zymogens |
Zymogram | Zymology | Zymosans | Zymotics | Zyzzyvas |
5 Letter Words
Zabajone | Zabtiehs | Zacatons | Zaddikim | Zaibatsu |
Zaitechs | Zakouska | Zakouski | Zamarras | Zamarros |
Zambomba | Zambucks | Zamindar | Zamouses | Zampogna |
Zamzawed | Zanellas | Zaniness | Zanjeros | Zanyisms |
Zapateos | Zappiest | Zaptiahs | Zaptiehs | Zaratite |
Zareebas | Zarnichs | Zarzuela | Zastruga | Zastrugi |
Zealants | Zealless | Zealotry | Zebranos | Zebrinas |
Zebrines | Zebrinny | Zebrulas | Zebrules | Zecchine |
Zecchini | Zecchino | Zecchins | Zelators | Zelatrix |
Zelkovas | Zemindar | Zemstvos | Zenaidas | Zenithal |
Zeolites | Zeolitic | Zeppelin | Zeppoles | Zerumbet |
Zestiest | Zestless | Zetetics | Zeuxites | Zibeline |
Zigankas | Ziggurat | Zigzaggy | Zikkurat | Zikurats |
Zillions | Zimoccas | Zincates | Zinciest | Zincites |
Zinckier | Zinckify | Zincking | Zincodes | Zindabad |
Zingiber | Zingiest | Zinkiest | Zippered | Zippiest |
Zircaloy | Zirconia | Zirconic | Zitherns | Zizanias |
Zizyphus | Zizzling | Zoccolos | Zodiacal | Zoetrope |
Zoiatria | Zoisites | Zombiism | Zomboruk | Zonation |
Zoneless | Zonetime | Zonulets | Zooblast | Zoochore |
Zoochory | Zoocytia | Zooecium | Zoogenic | Zoogleae |
Zoogleal | Zoogleas | Zoogloea | Zoograft | Zoolater |
Zoolatry | Zoolites | Zooliths | Zoolitic | Zoologic |
Zoomancy | Zoomania | Zoometry | Zoomorph | Zoonites |
Zoonitic | Zoonomia | Zoonomic | Zoonoses | Zoonosis |
Zoonotic | Zoopathy | Zooperal | Zoophagy | Zoophile |
Zoophily | Zoophobe | Zoophori | Zoophyte | Zooscopy |
Zoosperm | Zoospore | Zoothome | Zootiest | Zootomic |
Zootoxic | Zootoxin | Zootrope | Zootypes | Zootypic |
Zopilote | Zorbings | Zorgites | Zorillas | Zorilles |
Zorillos | Zucchini | Zuchetta | Zuchetto | Zugzwang |
Zwieback | Zygaenid | Zygantra | Zygodont | Zygomata |
Zygosity | Zygotene | Zylonite | Zymogene | Zymogens |
Zymogram | Zymology | Zymosans | Zymotics | Zyzzyvas |
4 Letter Words
Zabajone | Zabtiehs | Zacatons | Zaddikim | Zaibatsu |
Zaitechs | Zakouska | Zakouski | Zamarras | Zamarros |
Zambomba | Zambucks | Zamindar | Zamouses | Zampogna |
Zamzawed | Zanellas | Zaniness | Zanjeros | Zanyisms |
Zapateos | Zappiest | Zaptiahs | Zaptiehs | Zaratite |
Zareebas | Zarnichs | Zarzuela | Zastruga | Zastrugi |
Zealants | Zealless | Zealotry | Zebranos | Zebrinas |
Zebrines | Zebrinny | Zebrulas | Zebrules | Zecchine |
Zecchini | Zecchino | Zecchins | Zelators | Zelatrix |
Zelkovas | Zemindar | Zemstvos | Zenaidas | Zenithal |
Zeolites | Zeolitic | Zeppelin | Zeppoles | Zerumbet |
Zestiest | Zestless | Zetetics | Zeuxites | Zibeline |
Zigankas | Ziggurat | Zigzaggy | Zikkurat | Zikurats |
Zillions | Zimoccas | Zincates | Zinciest | Zincites |
Zinckier | Zinckify | Zincking | Zincodes | Zindabad |
Zingiber | Zingiest | Zinkiest | Zippered | Zippiest |
Zircaloy | Zirconia | Zirconic | Zitherns | Zizanias |
Zizyphus | Zizzling | Zoccolos | Zodiacal | Zoetrope |
Zoiatria | Zoisites | Zombiism | Zomboruk | Zonation |
Zoneless | Zonetime | Zonulets | Zooblast | Zoochore |
Zoochory | Zoocytia | Zooecium | Zoogenic | Zoogleae |
Zoogleal | Zoogleas | Zoogloea | Zoograft | Zoolater |
Zoolatry | Zoolites | Zooliths | Zoolitic | Zoologic |
Zoomancy | Zoomania | Zoometry | Zoomorph | Zoonites |
Zoonitic | Zoonomia | Zoonomic | Zoonoses | Zoonosis |
Zoonotic | Zoopathy | Zooperal | Zoophagy | Zoophile |
Zoophily | Zoophobe | Zoophori | Zoophyte | Zooscopy |
Zoosperm | Zoospore | Zoothome | Zootiest | Zootomic |
Zootoxic | Zootoxin | Zootrope | Zootypes | Zootypic |
Zopilote | Zorbings | Zorgites | Zorillas | Zorilles |
Zorillos | Zucchini | Zuchetta | Zuchetto | Zugzwang |
Zwieback | Zygaenid | Zygantra | Zygodont | Zygomata |
Zygosity | Zygotene | Zylonite | Zymogene | Zymogens |
Zymogram | Zymology | Zymosans | Zymotics | Zyzzyvas |
Why to use words ending in ING?
Words that end in -ing are extremely useful in the game of Scrabble. Not only do they tend to be high-scoring words, but they can also be used to create a wide variety of different strategies. For example, a player can use an -ing word to form a hook, which allows them to extend their control over a particular area of the board. Additionally, -ing words can be used to block an opponent's possible moves, or to create a triple-word score. In short, -ing words are versatile and powerful tools that every Scrabble player should make use of.
How to use these words that end with ING to dominate?
If you want to win at Scrabble, you need to start thinking about words that end with -ING. These words are worth a lot of points and can help you quickly rack up a big score. Here are some tips on how to use -ING words to your advantage:
- Look for places on the board where you can make a word using the -ING suffix. For example, if there is an open space next to a word that ends in "T", you can turn it into "Tenting" for seven points.
- Don't be afraid to use two -ING words in one turn. In fact, this can be a great way to rack up a lot of points quickly. For example, if you play "Jousting" and "Swinging" on the same turn, you'll get 16 points!
- Use -ING words when you have a chance to play them off of other high-scoring tiles. For example, if you have the word "KING" in your hand, try to play it off of a Double Letter Score tile for maximum points.
By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to mastering the -ING words and achieving victory in Scrabble!
Fun facts about the word ending with ING
The English language is filled with words that end with the letters "ing." These words are known as gerunds, and they can function as both nouns and verbs. For example, the word "swimming" can be used to describe the act of swimming (verb) or the activity of swimming (noun). Gerunds are derived from verbs but have a different grammatical functions. In addition to being used as nouns, gerunds can also be used as adjectives. For example, the phrase "I had a blast swimming" uses the gerund "swimming" as an adjective to describe how much fun the speaker had. The English language is full of fascinating quirks like this, and understanding them can help to make communication more precise and effective.
Final words
So, the next time you are playing scrabble or another word game, make sure to use words that end in ING. Not only will they help you score more points, but you’ll also be learning some fun facts about these interesting words. And who knows? You may even start using them in your everyday conversations!