- List of scoring words that end with RE
- 10 Letter words
- 9 Letter Words
- 8 Letter Words
- 7 Letter Words
- 6 Letter Words
- 5 Letter Words
- 4 Letter Words
- 3 Letter Words
- How do you pronounce words ending in RE?
- How to play words that end with RE in scrabble
- Best ways to score big in scrabble with RE words
- Practice makes difference - Start playing today!
- Final Words
Like most games, winning at Scrabble comes down to strategy. Part of that strategy is knowing which words will give you the most bang for your buck—and words that end in "RE" are some of the best. Here's the list:
List of scoring words that end with RE
While there are many words that end with "RE," some are more incredible than others. For example, the word "fire" conjures up images of heat and light, while the word "quagmire" means a situation from which it is very difficult to extricate oneself." Here are a few other words that end with "RE":
10 Letter words
Here is a list of 10-letter words that end in "RE."
Actinomere | Aeciospore | Aerosphere | Alongshore | Androphore |
Anemochore | Anthophore | Antinature | Apiculture | Archespore |
Arthromere | Atmosphere | Attainture | Aviculture | Avvogadore |
Azygospore | Barycentre | Barysphere | Basaltware | Battledore |
Bellamoure | Blastomere | Blastopore | Cacciatore | Calliature |
Capillaire | Caricature | Carpophore | Carpospore | Centilitre |
Centimetre | Centromere | Cheesewire | Chromomere | Circummure |
Colorature | Commeasure | Commissure | Commixture | Compacture |
Composture | Compradore | Conjecture | Contexture | Corsetiere |
Courseware | Couturiere | Craquelure | Crispature | Ctenophore |
Debonnaire | Debouchure | Deinothere | Demeasnure | Dextrogyre |
Dinnerware | Disclosure | Disfeature | Dumbledore | Eightscore |
Embouchure | Enamelware | Encincture | Encoignure | Engendrure |
Entreasure | Escritoire | Everywhere | Expressure | Extincture |
Ferroniere | Forfeiture | Fourragere | Foursquare | Garmenture |
Glucophore | Granophyre | Headsquare | Healthcare | Hectolitre |
Hectometre | Hectostere | Hemisphere | Heretofore | Hollowware |
Hydrochore | Hyperaware | Hypocentre | Impressure | Infosphere |
Ionosphere | Jardiniere | Jasperware | Judicature | Kerseymere |
Lacklustre | Lavalliere | Leptospire | Literature | Lophophore |
Lusterware | Lustreware | Macrospore | Maculature | Mesosphere |
Metacentre | Microfibre | Micrometre | Microspore | Millilitre |
Millimetre | Minaudiere | Misfeature | Mismeasure | Misventure |
Naviculare | Necessaire | Nethermore | Nourriture | Nunciature |
Odoriphore | Orthophyre | Otherwhere | Outmeasure | Overinsure |
Overmature | Paradoxure | Pericentre | Phonophore | Photophore |
Praemunire | Prefecture | Prefixture | Premeasure | Prerequire |
Projecture | Pycnospore | Quadrature | Reexposure | Refracture |
Reioyndure | Rejoindure | Reliquaire | Remontoire | Repertoire |
Rhabdomere | Rhizophore | Roquelaure | Secretaire | Silverware |
Smoothbore | Spirophore | Spongeware | Sporophore | Stavesacre |
Subcalibre | Subculture | Subseizure | Superstore | Supporture |
Teliospore | Tetraspore | Threadbare | Threescore | Tubulature |
Uintathere | Underscore | Untreasure | Uredospore | Usurpature |
Vapourware | Vivandiere | Whiggamore | Willowware | Woodenware |
9 Letter Words
Check out the list of 9-letter words that end in RE. Hopefully, this will help you stay ahead of your opponents and score big points!
Acrospire | Adipocere | Admeasure | Admixture | Adventure |
Aerophore | Affixture | Aftercare | Agateware | Angashore |
Antiglare | Ascospore | Autoflare | Autospore | Auxospore |
Backshore | Baignoire | Bandalore | Bangalore | Belamoure |
Belvedere | Biosphere | Bloatware | Bookstore | Brassiere |
Brassware | Broodmare | Brushfire | Cafetiere | Calenture |
Canephore | Cannelure | Caponiere | Capsomere | Carnivore |
Cassimere | Ceasefire | Chaussure | Chevelure | Childcare |
Chinaware | Chokebore | Climature | Cochleare | Coculture |
Cofeature | Comfiture | Commodore | Composure | Concentre |
Configure | Confiture | Connature | Coverture | Creamware |
Crenature | Crossfire | Curvature | Cuspidore | Daycentre |
Debenture | Debonaire | Decalitre | Decametre | Decastere |
Decilitre | Decimetre | Decistere | Decocture | Defeature |
Deflexure | Dekalitre | Dekametre | Delftware | Departure |
Depasture | Depicture | Desoeuvre | Dictature | Dinothere |
Disattire | Disfigure | Disimmure | Dislustre | Disposure |
Divesture | Doucepere | Dromedare | Drugstore | Dulcimore |
Eachwhere | Ecosphere | Ecritoire | Eldercare | Elsewhere |
Embrasure | Embrazure | Enclosure | Endospore | Engendure |
Enrapture | Epicentre | Esclandre | Etrangere | Everwhere |
Exclosure | Exosphere | Exposture | Extempore | Faithcure |
Fieldfare | Fioriture | Flatshare | Foliature | Foreshore |
Foreswore | Fourscore | Frugivore | Furniture | Garniture |
Geosphere | Glassware | Gonophore | Grandsire | Granivore |
Groupware | Gynophore | Hackamore | Heartsore | Hellebore |
Herbivore | Holloware | Hydrosere | Hyperpure | Immixture |
Imposture | Inclosure | Indenture | Inflexure | Insincere |
Interfere | Intermure | Involucre | Ionophore | Jobcentre |
Kilolitre | Kilometre | Lakeshore | Lavaliere | Lehrjahre |
Licensure | Longshore | Luminaire | Macromere | Madrepore |
Manoeuvre | Manticore | Mariniere | Massymore | Mattamore |
Megalitre | Megaspore | Megastore | Megathere | Meiospore |
Melaphyre | Metalware | Micromere | Micropore | Microwire |
Millepore | Mindshare | Miniature | Misoclere | Nanometre |
Nathemore | Nearshore | Nervature | Nevermore | Nightfire |
Nightmare | Ninescore | Nonmature | Nonsecure | Noosphere |
Nouriture | Nullipore | Numeraire | Ordinaire | Outfigure |
Outlustre | Overscore | Overstare | Overswore | Palampore |
Palempore | Paperware | Persevere | Phonopore | Phosphore |
Picometre | Piscivore | Plicature | Plowshare | Pourboire |
Preassure | Prefigure | Prelature | Premature | Procedure |
Prompture | Provedore | Queercore | Reacquire | Recapture |
Reexplore | Reinspire | Remeasure | Remixture | Rencontre |
Repasture | Reseizure | Retexture | Retrofire | Ricercare |
Saltpetre | Sarcomere | Scripture | Scrutoire | Sculpture |
Semaphore | Sepulchre | Sepulture | Serrature | Shareware |
Shellfire | Signature | Simulacre | Solitaire | Somewhere |
Sophomore | Steelware | Stevedore | Stiffware | Stoneware |
Striature | Stricture | Structure | Subentire | Subtenure |
Tablature | Tableware | Terramare | Tessiture | Therefore |
Tightwire | Torchiere | Tourtiere | Transpire | Treenware |
Trialware | Ultrapure | Ultrarare | Underbore | Underfire |
Underwire | Unprepare | Vaporware | Vestiture | Wherefore |
8 Letter Words
There are a surprisingly large number of 8-letter words that end in RE. Here is a list of some of the most common ones:
Abampere | Accoutre | Albacore | Albicore | Annexure |
Antimere | Anywhere | Aperture | Aplustre | Arcature |
Armature | Aventure | Backfire | Bakeware | Balefire |
Barbwire | Bayadere | Biophore | Bleuatre | Booklore |
Brochure | Bushfire | Cadastre | Campfire | Camphire |
Canaigre | Caneware | Cashmere | Casimere | Casimire |
Ceinture | Cemitare | Centiare | Cheshire | Cincture |
Ciselure | Claymore | Clayware | Coadmire | Cocksure |
Coendure | Coiffure | Coinhere | Coinsure | Compadre |
Confrere | Conspire | Cookware | Cornacre | Corocore |
Creature | Cubature | Cynosure | Decentre | Denature |
Derriere | Diaspore | Discoure | Dishware | Disinure |
Doublure | Drawbore | Drumfire | Dungmere | Ectomere |
Eglatere | Enacture | Encastre | Encolure | Ensphere |
Epispore | Evermore | Exospore | Exposure | Filature |
Firmware | Fixature | Flatware | Folklore | Footsore |
Forswore | Fracture | Freeware | Geniture | Giftware |
Gonopore | Goodsire | Grimoire | Gudesire | Halicore |
Halosere | Hangfire | Hardcore | Hardware | Hardwire |
Hellfire | Homeware | Humiture | Immature | Incentre |
Incisure | Insecure | Insphere | Ironware | Isochore |
Isothere | Jobshare | Jointure | Juncture | Levogyre |
Libraire | Lifecare | Ligature | Lincture | Liveware |
Liveyere | Manicure | Massacre | Matadore | Medicare |
Mediocre | Mesomere | Metamere | Meuniere | Milliare |
Miserere | Mismetre | Moisture | Needfire | Newswire |
Nonglare | Ochidore | Offshore | Omnivore | Oosphere |
Ossature | Outglare | Outscore | Outsnore | Outstare |
Outsware | Outswore | Ouvriere | Ovenware | Overbore |
Overcure | Overdare | Oversure | Overtire | Overture |
Overwore | Painture | Parterre | Pedicure | Perspire |
Pinafore | Pleasure | Podomere | Poechore | Polypore |
Portfire | Portiere | Postfire | Potshare | Premiere |
Prescore | Pressure | Prestore | Puncture | Quagmire |
Reassure | Recentre | Redshare | Redshire | Refigure |
Reinjure | Reinsure | Renature | Reposure | Resecure |
Roundure | Sagamore | Samphire | Sapphire | Sautoire |
Schliere | Scissure | Scrimure | Seashore | Sinecure |
Sixscore | Skincare | Slipware | Softcore | Software |
Solidare | Spitfire | Stemware | Subgenre | Surefire |
Sycamore | Sycomore | Symitare | Tainture | Telomere |
Tincture | Toleware | Torchere | Tournure | Transire |
Treasure | Treeware | Tressure | Tripwire | Trouvere |
Tubulure | Umbriere | Unretire | Unsphere | Verquere |
Verquire | Wagmoire | Wildfire | Wiseacre | Woodlore |
Wordlore | Workfare | Xerosere | Zoochore | Zoospore |
7 Letter Words
Read all the 7-letter words ending in RE. This will enhance your vocabulary in no time
Abature | Acquire | Affaire | Affeare | Airfare |
Anymore | Armoire | Arriere | Asthore | Austere |
Aventre | Avodire | Baccare | Backare | Bagarre |
Bandore | Barware | Bedsore | Berbere | Bergere |
Bewhore | Bizarre | Bonfire | Bordure | Bravure |
Brisure | Calibre | Capture | Carfare | Cariere |
Caviare | Censure | Centare | Chambre | Chancre |
Chimere | Chondre | Closure | Cloture | Coenure |
Commere | Compare | Compere | Conacre | Conjure |
Coupure | Couture | Culture | Dasyure | Daycare |
Daymare | Deciare | Declare | Denture | Deplore |
Dioptre | Discure | Eelfare | Empaire | Empayre |
Enquire | Ensnare | Epicure | Epimere | Erasure |
Esquire | Etagere | Explore | Eyesore | Facture |
Fahlore | Failure | Fanfare | Feature | Fissure |
Fixture | Flexure | Forbare | Forbore | Forlore |
Foxfire | Frisure | Friture | Funebre | Garbure |
Gesture | Gougere | Gravure | Gruyere | Guipure |
Gunfire | Gyplure | Hachure | Haltere | Haywire |
Hectare | Hektare | Houhere | Implore | Inquere |
Inquire | Inshore | Insnare | Inspire | Isobare |
Isomere | Jaghire | Laetare | Leasure | Lecture |
Leisure | Macabre | Malware | Maulgre | Measure |
Misfare | Misfire | Mixture | Moidore | Monture |
Morsure | Multure | Nervure | Noncore | Nowhere |
Nurture | Obscure | Onshore | Oospore | Outdare |
Outdure | Outfire | Outhire | Outhyre | Outwore |
Pandore | Parture | Pasture | Perdure | Perjure |
Philtre | Piastre | Picture | Pismire | Plectre |
Plexure | Polacre | Posture | Pouldre | Precure |
Prefire | Prepare | Prewire | Prisere | Procure |
Protore | Pulture | Purpure | Rampire | Rapture |
Recoure | Redware | Requere | Require | Rescore |
Respire | Restore | Rimfire | Riviere | Rondure |
Rosiere | Rupture | Saltire | Sampire | Scalare |
Sceptre | Seasure | Seaware | Seisure | Seizure |
Seysure | Signore | Simarre | Sincere | Soilure |
Spectre | Sphaere | Spheare | Spyware | Stature |
Subsere | Suspire | Tabrere | Taraire | Tartare |
Teaware | Tempore | Texture | Theatre | Tinware |
Tonsure | Torture | Tussore | Umbrere | Unaware |
Unmitre | Unswore | Upstare | Uromere | Vampire |
Venture | Verdure | Vesture | Voiture | Vulture |
Wafture | Warfare | Wayfare | Welfare | Wetware |
6 Letter Words
Looking for 6-letter words for your scrabble match? Keep reading!
Abjure | Acture | Adhere | Adjure | Admire |
Adware | Aglare | Allure | Ampere | Armure |
Ashore | Aspire | Assure | Astare | Attire |
Avoure | Before | Bemire | Beurre | Beware |
Bistre | Breare | Cendre | Centre | Cesure |
Chevre | Chigre | Chirre | Chypre | Cohere |
Colure | Conure | Curare | Dartre | Decare |
Dekare | Demure | Desire | Devore | Diedre |
Dreare | Effere | Emigre | Empare | Empire |
Encore | Endure | Enfire | Engore | Ensure |
Entire | Euchre | Expire | Feutre | Fiacre |
Figure | Fixure | Foutre | Furore | Future |
Galere | Galore | Gaufre | Glaire | Gloire |
Goitre | Hombre | Ignore | Immure | Impure |
Infare | Infere | Inhere | Injure | Insure |
Intire | Jacare | Kotare | Lettre | Ligure |
Louvre | Lustre | Maigre | Malgre | Manure |
Mature | Maugre | Meagre | Misere | Montre |
Nature | Obdure | Objure | Oeuvre | Oneyre |
Ordure | Parore | Parure | Pheere | Poudre |
Puture | Quaere | Quatre | Rasure | Razure |
Rebore | Recure | Refire | Rehire | Repure |
Retire | Retore | Revere | Rewire | Rewore |
Rustre | Satire | Scarre | Sclere | Secure |
Sempre | Severe | Sombre | Sparre | Sperre |
Sphere | Splore | Square | Squire | Stayre |
Steare | Stirre | Stoure | Stowre | Suture |
Tendre | Tenure | Timbre | Tofore | Tuyere |
Twyere | Ulnare | Umpire | Unbare | Unbore |
Unpure | Unsure | Unware | Unwire | Upbore |
Uptore | Velure | Venire | Ventre | Wheare |
5 Letter Words
Here is the list of 5-letter words ending in "RE" to make a better stand against your opponent in your next scrabble or words with friends match
Abore | Adore | Afire | Afore | Alure |
Antre | Arere | Aware | Aygre | Azure |
Barre | Beare | Blare | Blore | Brere |
Cabre | Cadre | Chare | Chere | Chore |
Coure | Crare | Crore | Darre | Deare |
Deere | Drere | Eagre | Emure | Enure |
Fayre | Feare | Fibre | Fiere | Flare |
Frere | Frore | Garre | Geare | Genre |
Glare | Heare | Howre | Inure | Jirre |
Kiore | Kurre | Leare | Litre | Livre |
Loure | Lucre | Maare | Madre | Maire |
Meare | Metre | Mitre | Moire | Murre |
Nacre | Narre | Nitre | Ochre | Ombre |
Outre | Padre | Paire | Peare | Petre |
Phare | Powre | Prore | Quare | Quire |
Sabre | Scare | Score | Seare | Serre |
Share | Shere | Shire | Shore | Skyre |
Smore | Snare | Snore | Soare | Spare |
Spire | Spore | Spyre | Stare | Stere |
Stire | Store | Sture | Styre | Sucre |
Sware | Swire | Swore | Tarre | There |
Titre | Twire | Umbre | Urare | Usure |
Vaire | Warre | Whare | Where | Whore |
4 Letter Words
There are many 4-letter words that end in RE. Some of these words are:
Acre | Ayre | Bare | Bere | Bore |
Byre | Care | Cere | Cire | Core |
Cure | Dare | Dere | Dire | Dore |
Dure | Eyre | Fare | Fere | Fire |
Fore | Gare | Gere | Gore | Gyre |
Hare | Here | Hire | Hore | Iure |
Jure | Kore | Lare | Lere | Lire |
Lore | Lure | Lyre | Mare | Mere |
Mire | More | Mure | Nare | Ogre |
Owre | Pare | Pere | Pore | Pure |
Pyre | Rare | Rore | Sere | Sire |
Sore | Sure | Tare | Tire | Tore |
Tyre | Vare | Vire | Ware | Were |
Wire | Wore | Yare | Yore |
3 Letter Words
Here, we've got plenty of 3-letter words for you to choose from.
- Are
- Ere
- Ire
- Ore
- Ure
- Pre
How do you pronounce words ending in RE?
There are several ways to pronounce words that end in RE. For example, words that end in -dre, like "Andre" or "sabre," are typically pronounced with a soft "d" sound, as in "ahndra" or "sahbra." However, words that end in -tre, like "metre" or "regret," are usually pronounced with a hard "t" sound, as in "mehtra" or "rehgreht." Additionally, words that end in -aire, like "aire" or "oire," can be pronounced either with a hard or soft "i" sound, depending on the region. In general, words that end in RE can be tricky to pronounce, so it's always best to consult a dictionary before you say them out loud.
How to play words that end with RE in scrabble
Words that end with the letters RE can be tricky to play in Scrabble, but there are a few strategies you can use to increase your chances of success. First, try to think of words that end with RE that are high-scoring words; this will give you a better chance of getting more points for your play. Second, try to use words that end with RE in a strategic way, such as placing them on double or triple letter squares. Finally, remember that words that end with RE are often worth more points than other words, so it's always worth trying to play them if you can. With a little practice, you'll be able to master the art of playing words that end with RE in Scrabble.
Best ways to score big in scrabble with RE words
There are a few words that always seem to give players an extra boost in Scrabble. These words are known as "high-value" words, and they can help you rack up big points quickly. One group of high-value words are those that end in the letters "RE." While there aren't as many of these words as there are words that end in "S," for example, they can be just as valuable. Here are a few tips for scoring big with words that end in "RE."
First, try to play words that end in "RARE." This will not only get you double the points for the word itself, but it will also give you an extra 50 points for using all seven of your tiles. Second, focus on words that have a high point value per letter. Words like "QUIET" and "SQUARE" may not be the longest words on the board, but they pack a lot of punch. Finally, try to play off of other words that are already on the board. For example, if there is a word ending in "ERE," you could play "CAR" or "BAR" off of it to form the word "CARERE" or "BARERE." By using these strategies, you'll be able to score big with words that end in "RE"!
Practice makes difference - Start playing today!
Whether you're a seasoned scrabble player or just getting started, a list of words that end in RE can give you a big advantage. That's because words that end in RE are worth an extra point. So, if you can play words like FIRE or WIRE, you can really rack up the points. But how can you make sure you always have words that end in RE at your disposal? The answer is simple: practice. By playing with your friends on a regular basis, you'll become more familiar with the words that end in RE and be better able to use them to your advantage. So what are you waiting for? Grab some friends and start playing today!
Final Words
If you want to up your Scrabble game, start paying attention to words that end in "re." These words not only score big points—but they also make it difficult for your opponents to play their own words. With a little practice, you'll be a Scrabble champion in no time!