- List of words starting with IN
- 9 letter words with IN
- 8 letter words that start with IN
- 7 letter words starting with IN
- 6 letter words starting with IN
- 5 letter words that start with IN
- 4 letter words with IN
- 3 letter words with IN
- 2 letter words that start with IN
- Definitions of words starting with IN
- How to use IN in scoring words for extra points in scrabble
- Other interesting facts about words starting with IN
- Practice makes difference - Start playing today!
- Conclusion
Are you looking for words starting with IN to challenge your opponents in Scrabble? Look no further! This list includes both common and rare words that are perfect for the game. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, you'll find something new to add to your vocabulary. So get ready to outsmart your opponents and score big points!
List of words starting with IN
9 letter words with IN
There are many 9-letter words that start with the letters "IN". Here are just a few examples:
Inamorato | Inaneness | Inanimate | Inanities | Inanition |
Inaptness | Inarching | Inaudible | Inaudibly | Inaugural |
Inbounded | Inbreathe | Inbreeder | Inbrought | Inburning |
Incanting | Incapable | Incapably | Incarnate | Incaution |
Incensers | Incensing | Incensors | Incensory | Incenters |
Incenting | Incentive | Incentres | Incepting | Inception |
Inceptive | Inceptors | Incertain | Incessant | Inchasing |
Inchoated | Inchoates | Inchworms | Incidence | Incidents |
Incipient | Incisions | Incisural | Incisures | Incitable |
Incitants | Incivisms | Inclasped | Inclement | Incliners |
Inclining | Inclipped | Inclosers | Inclosing | Inclosure |
Including | Inclusion | Inclusive | Incognita | Incognito |
Incomings | Incommode | Incompact | Incondite | Inconnues |
Incorpsed | Incorpses | Incorrect | Incorrupt | Increased |
Increaser | Increases | Incremate | Increment | Incretion |
Incretory | Incrossed | Incrosses | Incrusted | Incubated |
Incubates | Incubator | Incubuses | Inculcate | Inculpate |
Incumbent | Incumbers | Incunable | Incurable | Incurably |
Incurious | Incurrent | Incurring | Incursion | Incursive |
Incurvate | Incurving | Incurvity | Indagated | Indagates |
Indagator | Indamines | Indarting | Indecency | Indecorum |
Indelible | Indelibly | Indemnify | Indemnity | Indenters |
Indenting | Indention | Indentors | Indenture | Indexable |
Indexical | Indexings | Indexless | Indicants | Indicated |
Indicates | Indicator | Indiciums | Indictees | Indicters |
Indicting | Indiction | Indictors | Indigence | Indigency |
Indigenes | Indigents | Indigests | Indignant | Indignify |
Indignity | Indigoids | Indigotic | Indigotin | Indinavir |
Indirubin | Indispose | Individua | Indocible | Indolence |
Indolency | Indorsees | Indorsers | Indorsing | Indorsors |
Indraught | Indubious | Inducible | Inductees | Inductile |
Inducting | Induction | Inductive | Inductors | Indulgent |
Indulgers | Indulging | Indulines | Indumenta | Indurated |
Indurates | Indusiate | Induviate | Indweller | Inearthed |
Inebriant | Inebriate | Inebriety | Inebrious | Ineffable |
Ineffably | Inelastic | Inelegant | Ineptness | Inequable |
Inerrable | Inerrably | Inerrancy | Inertness | Inerudite |
Inessives | Inexactly | Inexperts | Infalling | Infamised |
Infamises | Infamized | Infamizes | Infancies | Infantile |
Infantine | Infarcted | Infatuate | Infectant | Infecters |
Infecting | Infection | Infective | Infectors | Infefting |
Infeoffed | Inferable | Inferably | Inference | Inferible |
Inferiors | Inferrers | Inferring | Infertile | Infestant |
Infesters | Infesting | Infidelic | Infielder | Infighter |
Infilling | Infinites | Infirmary | Infirmest | Infirming |
Infirmity | Infixions | Inflamers | Inflaming | Inflaters |
Inflating | Inflation | Inflative | Inflators | Inflected |
Inflector | Inflexion | Inflexure | Inflicted | Inflicter |
Inflictor | Inflowing | Influence | Influents | Influenza |
Influxion | Infobahns | Infolders | Infolding | Infomania |
Inforcing | Informant | Informers | Informing | Infortune |
Infracted | Infractor | Infrareds | Infringed | Infringer |
Infringes | Infuriate | Infuscate | Infusible | Infusions |
Infusoria | Ingathers | Ingenious | Ingeniums | Ingenuity |
Ingenuous | Ingesting | Ingestion | Ingestive | Ingleneuk |
Inglenook | Inglobing | Ingluvial | Ingluvies | Ingrafted |
Ingrained | Ingrately | Ingresses | Ingrooved | Ingrooves |
Ingrossed | Ingrosses | Ingrowing | Ingrowths | Ingulfing |
Ingulphed | Inhabited | Inhabiter | Inhabitor | Inhalants |
Inhalator | Inharmony | Inhaulers | Inhausted | Inhearsed |
Inhearses | Inhercing | Inherence | Inherency | Inherited |
Inheritor | Inhesions | Inhibited | Inhibiter | Inhibitor |
Inholders | Inholding | Inhooping | Inhumanly | Inhumated |
Inhumates | Initialed | Initialer | Initially | Initiated |
Initiates | Initiator | Injectant | Injecting | Injection |
Injective | Injectors | Injellied | Injellies | Injointed |
Injuncted | Injurable | Injurious | Injustice | Inkholder |
Inkstands | Inkstones | Inlanders | Inlayings | Inletting |
Inlocking | Inmeshing | Inmigrant | Innermost | Innerness |
Innersole | Innervate | Innerving | Innerwear | Innkeeper |
Innocence | Innocency | Innocents | Innocuity | Innocuous |
Innovated | Innovates | Innovator | Innoxious | Innuendos |
Inoculant | Inoculate | Inoculums | Inodorous | Inopinate |
Inorganic | Inositols | Inotropic | Inpatient | Inpayment |
Inpouring | Inputters | Inputting | Inquering | Inquieted |
Inquietly | Inquiline | Inquinate | Inquirers | Inquiries |
Inquiring | Inquorate | Inrushing | Insatiate | Insatiety |
Inscience | Insconced | Insconces | Inscribed | Inscriber |
Inscribes | Inscrolls | Insculped | Inseaming | Insectary |
Insectean | Insectile | Insection | Inseeming | Inselberg |
Insensate | Inserters | Inserting | Insertion | Insetters |
Insetting | Inshallah | Insheathe | Insheaths | Inshelled |
Inshelter | Inshipped | Inshrined | Inshrines | Insidious |
Insignias | Insincere | Insinewed | Insinuate | Insipidly |
Insipient | Insistent | Insisters | Insisting | Insnarers |
Insnaring | Insolated | Insolates | Insolence | Insolents |
Insoluble | Insolubly | Insolvent | Insomniac | Insomnias |
Insouling | Inspanned | Inspected | Inspector | Insphered |
Inspheres | Inspirers | Inspiring | Inspirits | Installed |
Installer | Instanced | Instances | Instanter | Instantly |
Instarred | Instating | Instigate | Instilled | Instiller |
Instincts | Institute | Instrokes | Instructs | Insulants |
Insularly | Insulated | Insulates | Insulator | Insulsity |
Insultant | Insulters | Insulting | Insurable | Insurance |
Insurants | Insurgent | Inswathed | Inswathes | Inswinger |
Intaglios | Intarsias | Integrals | Integrand | Integrant |
Integrate | Integrity | Intellect | Intenable | Intendant |
Intendeds | Intenders | Intending | Intenible | Intensate |
Intensely | Intensest | Intensify | Intension | Intensity |
8 letter words that start with IN
The list of 8-letter words that start with the letters “IN” is extensive. Some examples are:
Inarches | Inarming | Inasmuch | Inaurate | Inbeings |
Inboards | Inbounds | Inbreaks | Inbreeds | Inbrings |
Inbursts | Incaging | Incanted | Incasing | Incaving |
Inceding | Incensed | Incenser | Incenses | Incensor |
Incented | Incenter | Incentre | Incepted | Inceptor |
Inchased | Inchases | Inchmeal | Inchoate | Inchpins |
Inchworm | Incident | Incipits | Incising | Incision |
Incisive | Incisors | Incisory | Incisure | Incitant |
Inciters | Inciting | Incivism | Inclasps | Inclined |
Incliner | Inclines | Inclosed | Incloser | Incloses |
Included | Includes | Incomers | Incoming | Inconnue |
Inconnus | Incorpse | Increase | Increate | Incrusts |
Incubate | Incubous | Incudate | Incumber | Incurred |
Incurved | Incurves | Incusing | Indagate | Indamine |
Indamins | Indarted | Indebted | Indecent | Indented |
Indenter | Indentor | Indevout | Indewing | Indexers |
Indexing | Indicans | Indicant | Indicate | Indicial |
Indicias | Indicium | Indicted | Indictee | Indicter |
Indictor | Indigene | Indigens | Indigent | Indigest |
Indignly | Indigoes | Indigoid | Indirect | Inditers |
Inditing | Indocile | Indolent | Indorsed | Indorsee |
Indorser | Indorses | Indorsor | Indowing | Indoxyls |
Indrafts | Indrench | Indrises | Inducers | Induciae |
Inducing | Inducted | Inductee | Inductor | Indulged |
Indulger | Indulges | Induline | Indulins | Indurate |
Indusial | Indusium | Industry | Induviae | Induvial |
Indwells | Inearths | Inedible | Inedibly | Inedited |
Ineptest | Inequity | Inermous | Inerrant | Inertest |
Inertiae | Inertial | Inertias | Inessive | Inexpert |
Infamies | Infaming | Infamise | Infamize | Infamous |
Infantas | Infantes | Infantry | Infarcts | Infaunae |
Infaunal | Infaunas | Infected | Infecter | Infector |
Infecund | Infefted | Infeoffs | Inferiae | Inferior |
Infernal | Infernos | Inferred | Inferrer | Infested |
Infester | Inficete | Infidels | Infields | Infights |
Infilled | Infimums | Infinite | Infinity | Infirmed |
Infirmer | Infirmly | Infixing | Infixion | Inflamed |
Inflamer | Inflames | Inflated | Inflater | Inflates |
Inflator | Inflatus | Inflects | Inflexed | Inflicts |
Inflight | Influent | Influxes | Infobahn | Infolded |
Infolder | Inforced | Inforces | Informal | Informed |
Informer | Infought | Infracts | Infrared | Infringe |
Infrugal | Infusers | Infusing | Infusion | Infusive |
Infusory | Ingather | Ingeners | Ingenium | Ingenues |
Ingested | Inglobed | Inglobes | Ingoings | Ingoting |
Ingrafts | Ingrains | Ingrates | Ingroove | Inground |
Ingroups | Ingrowth | Inguinal | Ingulfed | Ingulphs |
Inhabits | Inhalant | Inhalers | Inhaling | Inhauler |
Inhausts | Inhearse | Inherced | Inherces | Inherent |
Inhering | Inherits | Inhesion | Inhibins | Inhibits |
Inholder | Inhooped | Inhumane | Inhumate | Inhumers |
Inhuming | Inimical | Iniquity | Inisling | Initials |
Initiate | Injected | Injector | Injoints | Injuncts |
Injurers | Injuries | Injuring | Inkberry | Inkblots |
Inkhorns | Inkiness | Inklings | Inkspots | Inkstand |
Inkstone | Inkwells | Inkwoods | Inlacing | Inlander |
Inlayers | Inlaying | Inlocked | Inmeshed | Inmeshes |
Innately | Innative | Innerved | Innerves | Innocent |
Innovate | Innuendo | Innyards | Inoculum | Inorbing |
Inornate | Inosines | Inosites | Inositol | Inpoured |
Inputted | Inputter | Inqilabs | Inquered | Inqueres |
Inquests | Inquiets | Inquired | Inquirer | Inquires |
Inrushes | Insanely | Insanest | Insanies | Insanity |
Inscapes | Inscient | Insconce | Inscribe | Inscroll |
Insculps | Insculpt | Inseamed | Insectan | Insecure |
Inseemed | Inserted | Inserter | Insetted | Insetter |
Insheath | Inshells | Inshrine | Insiders | Insights |
Insignia | Insinews | Insisted | Insister | Insnared |
Insnarer | Insnares | Insolate | Insolent | Insomnia |
Insomuch | Insouled | Inspects | Insphere | Inspired |
Inspirer | Inspires | Inspirit | Instable | Installs |
Instance | Instancy | Instants | Instated | Instates |
Instills | Instinct | Instress | Instroke | Instruct |
Insucken | Insulant | Insulars | Insulate | Insulins |
Insulted | Insulter | Insurant | Insureds | Insurers |
Insuring | Inswathe | Inswings | Intactly | Intaglio |
Intarsia | Integers | Integral | Intended | Intender |
Intenser | Intently | Interact | Interage | Interbed |
Intercom | Intercut | Interess | Interest | Interims |
Interior | Interlap | Interlay | Intermat | Intermit |
Intermix | Internal | Interned | Internee | Internes |
Internet | Interred | Interrex | Interrow | Intersex |
Intertie | Interval | Interwar | Inthrall | Inthrals |
Inthrone | Intifada | Intimacy | Intimate | Intimism |
Intimist | Intimity | Intitled | Intitles | Intitule |
Intombed | Intonaco | Intonate | Intoners | Intoning |
Intorted | Intradas | Intraday | Intrados | Intranet |
Intrants | Intreats | Intrench | Intrepid | Intrigue |
Intrince | Introits | Intromit | Introrse | Intruded |
Intruder | Intrudes | Intrusts | Intubate | Intuited |
Inturned | Intwined | Intwines | Intwists | Inukshuk |
Inulases | Inundant | Inundate | Inurbane | Inurning |
Inustion | Invaders | Invading | Invalids | Invasion |
Invasive | Inveagle | Invecked | Invected | Inveighs |
Inveigle | Invented | Inventer | Inventor | Inverity |
Inversed | Inverses | Inverted | Inverter | Invertin |
Invertor | Invested | Investor | Inviable | Inviably |
Invirile | Inviscid | Invitees | Inviters | Inviting |
Invocate | Invoiced | Invoices | Invokers | Invoking |
Involute | Involved | Involver | Involves | Inwalled |
Inwardly | Inweaved | Inweaves | Inwicked | Inworked |
7 letter words starting with IN
The letter 'in' is one of the most commonly used letters in English. There are over 1000+ different words that start with it and here we have compiled some 7-letter words for you!
Inaptly | Inarmed | Inbeing | Inboard | Inbound |
Inbreds | Inbreed | Inbuilt | Inburst | Incaged |
Incages | Incants | Incased | Incases | Incense |
Incents | Incepts | Incests | Inchers | Inching |
Incipit | Incisal | Incised | Incises | Incisor |
Incited | Inciter | Incites | Incivil | Inclasp |
Incline | Inclips | Inclose | Include | Incomer |
Incomes | Inconnu | Incross | Incrust | Incubus |
Incudal | Incudes | Incurve | Incused | Incuses |
Indabas | Indamin | Indenes | Indents | Indexed |
Indexer | Indexes | Indican | Indices | Indicia |
Indicts | Indigen | Indigos | Indited | Inditer |
Indites | Indiums | Indoles | Indoors | Indorse |
Indowed | Indoxyl | Indraft | Indrawn | Induced |
Inducer | Induces | Inducts | Induing | Indulge |
Indulin | Indults | Indusia | Indwell | Indwelt |
Inearth | Inedita | Ineptly | Inertia | Inertly |
Inexact | Infalls | Infancy | Infanta | Infante |
Infants | Infarct | Infares | Infauna | Infects |
Infeoff | Inferno | Infests | Infidel | Infield |
Infight | Infirms | Infixed | Infixes | Inflame |
Inflate | Inflect | Inflict | Inflows | Infolds |
Informs | Infract | Infused | Infuser | Infuses |
Ingates | Ingenue | Ingesta | Ingests | Ingoing |
Ingoted | Ingraft | Ingrain | Ingrate | Ingress |
Ingroup | Ingrown | Ingulfs | Inhabit | Inhaled |
Inhaler | Inhales | Inhauls | Inhered | Inheres |
Inherit | Inhibin | Inhibit | Inhuman | Inhumed |
Inhumer | Inhumes | Initial | Injects | Injured |
Injurer | Injures | Inkblot | Inkhorn | Inkiest |
Inkless | Inklike | Inkling | Inkpots | Inkwell |
Inkwood | Inlaced | Inlaces | Inlands | Inlayer |
Inliers | Inlying | Inmates | Innages | Innards |
Innerly | Innerve | Innings | Innless | Inocula |
Inosine | Inosite | Inphase | Inpours | Inquest |
Inquiet | Inquire | Inquiry | Inroads | Insaner |
Inscape | Insculp | Inseams | Insects | Inserts |
Inshore | Insider | Insides | Insight | Insigne |
Insipid | Insists | Insnare | Insofar | Insoles |
Insouls | Inspans | Inspect | Inspire | Install |
Instals | Instant | Instars | Instate | Instead |
Insteps | Instill | Instils | Insular | Insulin |
Insults | Insured | Insurer | Insures | Inswept |
Intagli | Intakes | Integer | Intends | Intense |
Intents | Interim | Interne | Interns | Inthral |
Intimae | Intimal | Intimas | Intines | Intitle |
Intombs | Intoned | Intoner | Intones | Intorts |
Intrant | Intreat | Introfy | Introit | Introns |
Intrude | Intrust | Intuits | Inturns | Intwine |
Intwist | Inulase | Inulins | Inuring | Inurned |
Inutile | Invaded | Invader | Invades | Invalid |
Inveigh | Invents | Inverse | Inverts | Invests |
Invital | Invited | Invitee | Inviter | Invites |
Invoice | Invoked | Invoker | Invokes | Involve |
Inwalls | Inwards | Inweave | Inwinds | Inwound |
6 letter words starting with IN
So many words start with the letter 'in', but here are only a few examples of 6-letter words.
Inarms | Inborn | Inbred | Incage | Incant |
Incase | Incent | Incept | Incest | Inched |
Incher | Inches | Incise | Incite | Inclip |
Incogs | Income | Incony | Incubi | Incult |
Incurs | Incuse | Indaba | Indeed | Indene |
Indent | Indict | Indies | Indign | Indigo |
Indite | Indium | Indole | Indols | Indoor |
Indows | Indris | Induce | Induct | Indued |
Indues | Indult | Inerts | Infall | Infamy |
Infant | Infare | Infect | Infers | Infest |
Infill | Infirm | Inflow | Influx | Infold |
Inform | Infuse | Ingate | Ingest | Ingles |
Ingots | Ingulf | Inhale | Inhaul | Inhere |
Inhume | Inions | Inject | Injure | Injury |
Inkers | Inkier | Inking | Inkjet | Inkles |
Inkpot | Inlace | Inlaid | Inland | Inlays |
Inlets | Inlier | Inmate | Inmesh | Inmost |
Innage | Innate | Inners | Inning | Inpour |
Inputs | Inroad | Inruns | Inrush | Insane |
Inseam | Insect | Insert | Insets | Inside |
Insist | Insole | Insoul | Inspan | Instal |
Instar | Instep | Instil | Insult | Insure |
Intact | Intake | Intend | Intent | Intern |
Inters | Intima | Intime | Intine | Intomb |
Intone | Intort | Intown | Intron | Intros |
Intuit | Inturn | Inulin | Inured | Inures |
Inurns | Invade | Invars | Invent | Invert |
Invest | Invite | Invoke | Inwall | Inward |
5 letter words that start with IN
These are some interesting5-letter words that start with the letters "IN".
Inbye | Incog | Incur | Incus | Index |
Indie | Indol | Indow | Indri | Indue |
Inept | Inert | Infer | Infix | Infos |
Infra | Ingle | Ingot | Inion | Inked |
Inker | Inkle | Inlay | Inlet | Inned |
Inner | Input | Inrun | Inset | Inter |
Intis | Intro | Inure | Inurn | Invar |
4 letter words with IN
There is an endless supply of 4-letter words that start with the letters "IN". Here are a few examples:
Inby | Inch | Info | Inia | Inks |
Inky | Inly | Inns | Inro | Inti |
3 letter words with IN
The letters IN are present in many 3-letter words, like:
Ink | Ins | Ins |
2 letter words that start with IN
Here is the only example for 2-letter words:
In |
Definitions of words starting with IN
IN is a prefix that has many different uses. It can be used to indicate Negation, as in the word "incomplete." It can also be used to describe something that is within a given space or area, as in the word "inside." Additionally, IN can be used to describe a relationship between two people or things, as in the word "interaction." Finally, it can be used to indicate a direction or motion, as in the words "input" and "into." As you can see, the prefix IN has a wide range of uses. By understanding how it is used in different contexts, you can expand your vocabulary and better communicate with others.
How to use IN in scoring words for extra points in scrabble
The game of Scrabble is all about strategy- and one of the best ways to score extra points is by using the letter "IN." Here are some tips on how to make the most of this letter. First, remember that "IN" can be used as both a noun and a verb. For example, you could play "INCENSE" for 68 points, or "INSULT" for 64 points. Secondly, try to use "IN" at the beginning or end of a word for maximum impact. For instance, the word "INFANT" is worth 9 points more than "ANTIFAN." Finally, don't forget that "IN" can also be used as a prefix or suffix. For example, the word " reINFORCE" is worth 12 points more than just "FORCE." By keeping these strategies in mind, you'll be able to rack up the points next time you play Scrabble!
Other interesting facts about words starting with IN
According to Merriam-Webster, there are over 800 English words that start with the prefix "in-". This makes "in-" one of the most common prefixes in the English language. The majority of these words have Latin or Greek roots, and many of them are still used in scientific and technical contexts. However, there are also a number of everyday words that begin with "in-", such as "insane", "insect", and "invoice". Interestingly, the prefix "in-" can also have a negative connotation, as in the words "inness", "infamous", and "intolerant". Whether positive or negative, it's clear that the prefix "in-" is a versatile and essential part of the English language.
Practice makes difference - Start playing today!
Board games like scrabble are popular because they're a fun way to spend time while playing scrabble and words with friends. But if you're serious about winning, it takes more than just luck. A winning strategy is important, and part of that is knowing which words to play. Words that start with IN are a good choice because they can be used to form other words, create bonus points, and even block your opponents. But knowing which words to play is only half the battle. The other half is practice. By honing your skills and learning from your mistakes, you can vastly improve your chances of winning scrabble - or any other board game. So if you're up for the challenge, remember: practice makes perfect.
Are you feeling inspired to start playing Scrabble today? We hope so! The best way to get better at any game is to practice, and we’ve given you all the tools you need to get started. Remember that the more words you learn, the more points you can score. So dive in and start practicing with some of the most interesting words starting with IN. And who knows – maybe you’ll be able to beat us one day!